Life In The Fehrway

Thoughts from a big guy with a bigger appetite who serves and even bigger God.

Monday, September 11, 2006

An Oilers Fan in Calgary

I figured that now was a good time to interupt my Peru blogs to update all of you on my life in hockey/football championship-challenged city of Calgary. The move went smoothly, as I am now comfortably moved in to my apartment in residence here in downtown Calgary. It would be better if Telus could get their act together and hook up our phones and internet soon, but I won't get into that. We have a small apartment, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. We moved all the beds into one room, turning the other one into our office. For reasons that I cannot comprehend, I ended up with a top bunk, despite being the largest guy in our apartment. While other students have been feasting on Kraft Dinner and Mr. Noodles, we have been eating tacos, frying burgers on my George Foreman Grill (the lean, mean, fat-reducing grilling machine), and cooking up massive amounts of chicken alfredo. Funny how many of my blogs relate back to food.

The location of our residence is close to all the major necessities, including grocery stores and the C-train station. There is a park with a giant skate park and several beach volleyball courts located half a block away. For our slurpee needs, there is a nearby Macs store nicknamed the 'Crack Macs' for all of the drug dealers who hang out in the area. It is not uncommon for us to be offered drugs on the street. Despite it being a rough neighborhood at night, it doesn't scare me in the least.

So far I have been enjoying my classes, at least for all 3 class days I have endured so far. My five classes are Philosophy, Intro to the Bible, Intro to Missions and Evangelism, Effective Writing, and a Practicum (field education) course. So far I have found all my profs to be interesting, even if some of the assignments won't be. For example, I have no desire to participate in the assignment that has us going door to door evangelizing. I simply do not believe that this is an effective method in North America, as I believe it can give the church a bad name. Just my opinion, not something I'm gonna discuss in detail at this point.

One last thing I want to mention: I have never done so much walking in my entire life! The C-train only goes so many places. Not to mention that living on the third floor, there are 7 flights of stairs to climb when I don't take the elevator. I can almost feel myself wasting away to nothing. Well, maybe if there wasn't a kitchen full of food at the end of the stairs. So anyways, visitors are always welcome if you're ever in Calgary, although I can't promise a place to stay. We have very limited space. So I will conclude in true northern Alberta fashion with a loud and proud LET'S GO OILERS!


  • At September 20, 2006 7:45 p.m., Blogger Carmen said…

    Tyler, you're great! I think many of my blogs would coincedentally include food too, because I love it so much! When I was at Briercrest, we took a roadtrip to Calgary for a conference and went on the Ctrain and went to that huge millenium skate park. Pretty sweet, I think. Other than that, I know Calgary not. Anyways, enjoy your studies as you dive into them and I pray that you would learn all the God wants to teach you through them (even the door to door evangelizing one). You could just put on a suit and tie and tell people you're a Jehova's Witness! They do that all the time anyway! Just kidding. Take care, Fehr.

  • At September 21, 2006 12:04 a.m., Blogger Bassmaster Fehr said…

    Actually the mellenium skate park is across the street from us.


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