Life In The Fehrway

Thoughts from a big guy with a bigger appetite who serves and even bigger God.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Simple Truths

As I promised earlier, I will now share something that God showed me at camp. This may seem like a very elementary level lesson, but I believe we often need to be reminded of the simple truths. Something the speaker said at camp one morning really struck me, as if I had been overlooking something very basic for a long time. What he said was something like this: "Imagine a hand so large that it stretches across the entire sky. Now imagine the size of the body that goes along with that hand, and you will begin to catch a minute glimpse of just how great and powerful our God is." This is a simple truth that every child learns through songs in Sunday school, yet for whatever reason, I had began to overlook or take for granted this very basic concept. I think in my case the idea of Jesus residing within my heart was so ingrained in my mind that I failed to recognize the vastness and power of God. I still don't claim to even come close to wrapping my mind around this concept, but it is a humbling experience everytime we are reminded of these simple truths.

I think that David grasped this concept when he wrote: "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; He puts the deep into storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm." (Psalm 33:6-9)

All of this causes me to ask myself 'If I truly believe that God is so great and powerful, why is it that I have such difficulty wholly entrusting my life to His hands, especially in regards to what the future may hold?' It is not an easy thing for me to put aside any hopes and dreams that I may have and just sit back and let God plan my future. It can even be downright frustrating at times not knowing what the future holds in store for me. But when you think about, who better to provide for you than the almighty Creator of the universe? I think that when we forget about the vastness of God and try and place Him in our own pre-conceived boxes of thought is when worry begins to enter our lives. The issue of completely surrendering my will to His is one that I am continually grappling with, but deep down I know that the best life for me is the one in which God has in store for me, not necessarily the one I think I need. Anyways, just goes to show that with all of our theology and beliefs, it all boils down to some very simple truths, truths worth being reminded of.


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