Life In The Fehrway

Thoughts from a big guy with a bigger appetite who serves and even bigger God.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Gift/Curse Of Free Will

Today as I write this blog it is with a sense of sadness. Without going into too many details, I have a friend who used to have such a hunger for God, but now has been lured by the pleasures that the world has to offer. From all appearances, this person has completely forsaken their faith, going as far as to blatantly insult Christianity and our Saviour Jesus Christ. This pains me deeply, as I cannot understand how after experiencing a relationship with Jesus, how anyone could ever desire anything else. I know we all have a sinful nature within us, and we will routinely give in to these desires, but this struggle with recurring sins is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the complete rejection of the Christian faith.

I feel so helpless, as I so desperately want this person's relationship with Christ to be restored, yet I know that we all have our own free will. I feel like Jim Carrey's character on Bruce Almighty, when he wanted to make his girlfriend return to him, but was helpless to do anything because as God, he could not hinder a person's free will. It must pain God deeply when we act on our own free will and fall into sin. The whole idea of God giving us free will is one that is puzzling me at the moment. The only explanation that I can think of is that God desires to be loved by His creation, and that this is only possible if we are allowed to act on our own free will. Love is not something that can be forced on a person, it is something that they must consciously choose to give. A forced love is not love at all, because it does not come from the heart. Maybe that is why we as humans were given free will. I guess that all I can do is pray that God will intercede in this person's life, as only He can, and reveal that He offers so much more than the world will ever be able to give. I can also continue to show this person love, as I let the love of God flow through me. Yet I still feel weak and helpless, but I am reminded that God says that in our weakness, He is strong, and that is a comforting fact.


  • At November 24, 2005 6:07 a.m., Blogger Andrew and Tyler's European Peregrination said…

    I like what you said about the fact that God wants to be loved by His creation, and that love is not something that can be forced on us.. it was good. As for the person you are talking about, I believe I know who they are, and I must say it confuses me that after knowing the goodness of God, somebody can not only turn away from Him, but continually make a mockery of Him... It makes me angry, but at the same time I feel such a need to pray for him and show him love... As for you not on the cheesecake... I agree. You are really the big cheese...cake-maker! hehe.

  • At November 28, 2005 11:54 p.m., Blogger Keller said…

    I'm sorry you've had this happen. Most of us have been where you are and it really sucks. As for the encouragment part of this comment I will agree with Steph by quoting her,

    "Don't lose heart, something amazing could come out of this yet!"


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